20 lipca 2022

Do chuja z nim - i

 - kiedy się nauczę, żeby nie dawać uczuć 

in the western europe there's a concept of 'dangerous emotions'

in buddism, that concept is viewed differently - it talks about h o w the emotions are presented in a specific person perception, not w h a t are they exact (because we don't know in fact)

the brain is constantly processing the outward and inward ... trying to make sense which experients may be repeated, wchich needs to be shut up.

We, the people all around the world, have t h e  s a m e reaction to the [bodźce] 

What? !

Yea, haha

Suffering in the buddism sense is phycically bad for you, it is not only unpleasant, it is d a n g e r o us for your body - chronic stress

if you don't replenish your needs- you're improving illneses


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